Clinically proven
fast-acting edibles
that provide a predictable high

They say science doesn’t sell, but it
still matters. We wouldn’t call our products ‘fast-acting’ if we didn’t have the research to back it up. And not just any research — credible research.
That means: human subjects,
real-world products, academic clinicians, and results published in
peer-reviewed journals.
2x faster
not just talk.
real proof,
in real people.

Ripple products hit significantly faster than the market-leading gummies. Even the “quick” ones
Findings from a 2021 Colorado University state Study
With Ripple products, you absorb more of the THC you pay for. That makes them a better value overall

why ripple?
All Ripple products reach the bloodstream within 10 minutes, so you know where you’re going, fast.
More THC is absorbed overall versus the leading products, so you get more of what you paid for.
Precise dosing and fast absorption makes for a repeatable, awesome experience — the perfect high, anytime you want it.
More Δ9
Smoke isn’t always a welcomed companion. Feeling great quickly is. Ripple edibles hit like a joint, as fast as a joint.
proven in people
We’re the only company with peer-reviewed clinical research to back its claims. They say it, we prove it.

Our Clinical Research Program
Consumer safety is of utmost importance to us, and we will only make claims that we can support. Research is fundamental to our product innovation and to our brand. We want to propel the THC industry forward and give it the credence it deserves. Those who are making unfounded claims and faking research do a disservice to us all.